Interface ILogger

interface ILogger {
    addLog: ((filename, level?, logPath?) => void);
    defaultFilename: (() => string);
    defaultFilenamePath: (() => string);
    disableDefaultLog: (() => void);
    path: (() => string);


  • Logger
    • ILogger


addLog: ((filename, level?, logPath?) => void)

Creates a new log file with the specified filename in the specified log path with the specified logging level

Type declaration

    • (filename, level?, logPath?): void
    • Parameters

      • filename: string
      • Optional level: string
      • Optional logPath: string

      Returns void

defaultFilename: (() => string)

Returns the filename of the default log file

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string

defaultFilenamePath: (() => string)

Returns the fully qualified default log file path

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string

disableDefaultLog: (() => void)

Disables the default logging transport

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

path: (() => string)

Returns the fully qualified default log path

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string